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Does the player have any health conditions RFA staff should be aware of?


As an individual/parent/legal guardian of the named players herein, I hereby represent that myself/my child has been examined by a paediatrician and is physically fit to participate in RISE Training Programs. I understand there are inherent risks in participating in RISE Training Programs. I hereby accept responsibility for and agree to pay any and all costs of medical treatment resulting from any injury suffered by myself/my child as a result of my/his/her participation in RISE Training Programs. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless RISE FA, its agents, servants, employees and/or representatives from any and all liability, damage, and costs or expense arising out of myself/my child's participation, of every kind and nature, in RISE events. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for care to be administered by a qualified RISE staff member, EMT, physician/staff of a hospital, or any other qualified individual to provide any medical treatment deemed necessary for myself/my child. All term fees are due within the first week of coaching term. Places will not be guaranteed if forms and payment are not received prior to commencement of the term / program. By ticking the box, I grant permission for the use of photos of myself and my children to be used. Such use includes the display, distributions, publications, transmissions or otherwise use of photographs, images and/or videos taken for use in materials that include but may not be limited to, printed materials such as Brochures, Newsletters, Videos and digital images used on the RISE website and other Social Media pages, such as Facebook and Instagram. Any late payments, more than 30 days past the invoice date, shall attract a late payment penalty fee as set down by the Penalty Interest Act 1983.

Thanks for registering :)

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